Send Email to Existing List(s)

This method allows you to create, send or schedule a campaign.



  1. api_key your API key, available in Settings.
  2. from_name the 'From name' of your campaign
  3. from_email the 'From email' of your campaign
  4. reply_to the 'Reply to' of your campaign
  5. title the 'Title' of your campaign
  6. subject the 'Subject' of your campaign
  7. plain_text the 'Plain text version' of your campaign (optional)
  8. html_text the 'HTML version' of your campaign
  9. list_ids Required only if you set send_campaign to 1 and no segment_ids are passed in. List IDs should be single or comma-separated. The encrypted & hashed ids can be found under View all lists section named ID.
  10. segment_ids Required only if you set send_campaign to 1 and no list_ids are passed in. Segment IDs should be single or comma-separated. Segment ids can be found in the segments setup page.
  11. exclude_list_ids Lists to exclude from your campaign. List IDs should be single or comma-separated. The encrypted & hashed ids can be found under View all lists section named ID. (optional)
  12. exclude_segments_ids Segments to exclude from your campaign. Segment IDs should be single or comma-separated. Segment ids can be found in the segments setup page. (optional)
  13. brand_id Required only if you are creating a 'Draft' campaign (send_campaign set to 0 or left as default). Brand IDs can be found under 'Brands' page named ID
  14. query_string eg. Google Analytics tags (optional)
  15. track_opens Set to 0 to disable, 1 to enable and 2 for anonymous opens tracking.
  16. track_clicks Set to 0 to disable, 1 to enable and 2 for anonymous clicks tracking.
  17. send_campaign Set to 1 if you want to send the campaign as well and not just create a draft. Default is 0.
  18. schedule_date_time Campaign will be scheduled if a valid date/time is passed. Date/time format eg. June 15, 2021 6:05pm. The minutes part of the time has to be in increments of 5, eg. 6pm, 6:05pm, 6:10pm, 6:15pm.
  19. schedule_timezone Eg. 'America/New_York'. See the list of PHP's supported timezones. This parameter only applies if you're scheduling your campaign with schedule_date_time parameter. TribeArc will use your default timezone if this parameter is empty.

RESPONSE (Plain text)

Success: Campaign created

Success: Campaign created and now sending

Success: Campaign scheduled

Error: No data passed

Error: API key not passed

Error: Invalid API key

Error: From name not passed

Error: From email not passed

Error: Reply to email not passed

Error: Subject not passed

Error: HTML not passed

Error: List or segment ID(s) not passed

Error: One or more list IDs are invalid

Error: One or more segment IDs are invalid

Error: List or segment IDs does not belong to a single brand

Error: Brand ID not passed

Error: Unable to create campaign

Error: Unable to create and send campaign

Error: Unable to schedule campaign

Error: Unable to calculate totals