How to use the Housekeeping feature

To tidy up your email lists. do the following:


Step 1: Click on Housekeeping on the left side of your dashboard to access the Housekeeping page.



Step 2: Click on the Unconfirmed subscribers button on the part labelled to view Unconfirmed subscribers. The part labelled has the number of confirmed subscribers in green, while the part labelled has the number of Unconfirmed subscribers written for each row with a delete icon just by the side. You can also download a list of Unconfirmed subscribers from the export column.

Housekeeping 1.png


Step 3: Click on the Inactive subscribers button on the part labelled to view Inactive subscribers. The part labelled has the number of active subscribers in green, while the part labelled has the number of Inactive subscribers that did not open at all written for each row, with delete and download icons just by the side. The part labelled 4 has the number of Inactive subscribers that either did not open or opened but did not click on any link written for each row, with delete and download icons just by the side.

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